30 Day / 15 Day Money-Back Guarantee
If for any reason whatsoever you should fail to be satisfied with your Sager product, you may return it within 30 days (15 days for refurbished product) after its original purchase for a 100% refund of your purchase price alone. If the product was originally shipped under a free shipping promotion, a $25 deduction will be made from your refund. Sager will also not refund any expedited production fees associated with the product. The product must be returned in as-new condition in original packaging and include all manuals, diskettes, power cables and other items included with the product. Sager will not refund the costs of opened software or damage resulting from accident, abuse or misuse of the product, nor will Sager refund shipping costs. All returns require use of a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number, which must appear on all communication about the returned item and on the outside of the shipping package.